During the last 10 years, The Victim Relief Alliance (TVRA) focused its resources on leadership and institutional capacity development of the people in the districts of Arua, Terego and Madi Okollo in West Nile sub region. This effort led to improvement in accountability of leaders at community level, empowerment of vulnerable persons and increased livelihood of people in the different areas where we worked. We therefore, express our gratitude to the various stakeholders such as local governments, development partners and our beneficiaries that enabled us to succeed in our planned programs.

Although a lot was achieved, especially in our concluded strategic period 2014-2019, we did not accomplish some of our set targets as a result of limitations in resources, few partnerships that we managed to secure in the last period and internal organizational capacity challenges such as staff turnover due to low remuneration, insufficient operational budgets, logistical problems, among others which consequently affected our overall performance.

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